Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grandma Oscarson

Today I've been thinking of Grandma Oscarson on her 100th Birthday.  In honor of the occasion, I got out the audiocassette tape I recorded at their home on Devondale Lane in August, 1981.  Grandma was reading a history of her mother, Maud Knight Brown.  I have wanted to convert it to a digital format to preserve it, and today Brent was nice enough to find a way to do that.  It's in MP3 format.  I don't have the software to post it here on the blog, but I can email the file.  The tape ended kind of abruptly and I can only guess that we had left the topic and I just turned the tape off at that point.  Still, it's fun to hear Grandma's voice.  I can still see myself in her living room, sitting on the little footstool and holding the tape recorder while Grandma sat in the chair by the fireplace and shared her memories of her mother.  Her voice was younger and stronger than in later years, and it just makes me smile to hear it.  I hope you enjoy it, too.  

Vera Brown Oscarson

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Christmas in May

What can you do with your Spritz cookie press? I made these for a baby shower yesterday and loved the Christmas smell in the house. I made yellow butterflies with orange and purple sugar, pink roses, and purple hearts. Who knew they could make more than poinsettias and Christmas trees?

They tasted great, as always, and the boys were snitching them.